The story brings us back in the time of the Soviet Union.
Empty stores, no much opportunities to choose. But this made people forced to be creative and do brave things.
The main inspiration for my collection is coming from my dad's brevity in his high school time at the soviet union. The story of a school in the countryside and a neighboring parish school.
The 70's fabric - Velvet, which unfortunately was not very common in local stores, however, both of the Secondary School acted in direct contact with this material and, fortunately, each school had its own color, which encouraged young people to behave very smartly and creatively. get the desired piece of clothing. The pupils of these two schools decided to co-operate by stealing each school's curtains, then exchanging them, so that the color would be different and sew of them stylish trousers.
During the research, I interviewed people of that time generation and collected various stories about how they at that time were dealing with fashion and other issues and what methods were used for it.
The inspiration for collection patterns is coming from Soviet time most popular tablecloth - Wax Cloth, which depicts a wide range of objects and things that, in generations of that time, are capable of provoking nostalgia and remembering of the courage of youthful days.